Northfield Hospital

Browse all items in the Northfield Hospital collection

Northfield Hospital is a 37-bed hospital located on the northwest border of Northfield. The hospital and its attached long-term care center are owned by the City of Northfield and serve approximately 80,000 area residents who live in Rice, Dakota, Scott and Goodhue counties. The hospital’s governing board, the Board of Trustees, is appointed by the mayor and approved by the City Council.

Earlier hospital facilities were located between West Second and First streets — the current southern Way Park site, and in a two-story house at Eighth and Water streets.

Hospital operating room, 1950s

The hospital’s current contributions to the DHC include photographs, pamphlets, and a guest book from the 1939 opening of the West Second Street facility, including notes on the move to that facility from nurse superintendent Myrtle Blesener. Also available is the earliest book of minutes from the Northfield Hospital Association, covering 1910 to 1933.

Find a detailed survey of the hospital’s historical items here.

Find a more general summary of the collection here.

Northfield Hospital is located at 2000 North Avenue. Contact the hospital at 507-646-1000 or

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