Maggie Lee at the Heywood Memorial Service in 2009In the coming week, Northfielders will remember longtime Northfield News writer and editor Maggie Lee, who died Monday, July 8, at 92. She was also a founder of the Northfield Historical Society. Today the Collaborative celebrates her life with these photographs and programs.

On a personal note, I worked with Maggie for several years. Some of the things I will remember her for:

  • Even when she was in her late 80s, Maggie came in to the the newspaper office on Saturdays;
  • She loved Northfield history;
  • The purple and the cats, of course — she even kept pictures of her cats in her purse! I seem to remember her once telling me she didn’t necessarily start wearing purple all of the time because she loved it, but someone complimented her once on a purple outfit, and eventually she wore the color so often that people expected it. Later when I asked her about that story, though, she couldn’t remember it;
  • She stopped every day to pet the cat at the pet store;
  • She was allergic to lots of things. I remember her saying that she couldn’t be nursed as a baby and they had to use some cutting-edge substitutes for that time.
  • She was born in the Northfield Hospital when it was at Eighth and Water streets. Her telling me that was the first time I learned there was a hospital at that location;
  • Maggie had lots of snacks — in her desk drawer, or in a little baggie when she was paging through the bound newspapers;
  • She liked root beer floats at the Cocoa Bean;
  • The one day she didn’t wear her wig to work;
  • She got around! A street view of Google Maps pictured her crossing the street at Union and Fourth in 2007.
  • But she always sat in the same place at church.