Browse all items in the St. Olaf College archives collection
The 100-plus items St. Olaf College has contributed to the Northfield-Rice County Digital History Collection include early black-and-white images of the school and Northfield. They range from portraits of faculty and staff, such as famed novelist O.E. Rolvaag, to snapshots of the city’s downtown, schools, and churches.
Find a general summary of the school’s collections as they pertain to the greater Northfield community here.
St. Olaf College provides “an education committed to the liberal arts, rooted in the Christian Gospel, and incorporating a global perspective. In the conviction that life is more than a livelihood, it focuses on what is ultimately worthwhile and fosters the development of the whole person in mind, body, and spirit,” according to the school’s mission statement.
The four-year college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was founded in 1874 and is known for its world class music, mathematics, and science programs. About 3,100 students were enrolled in 2009 in the school’s 39 disciplines and subject areas.
Contact the St. Olaf College Archives at (507) 786-3229.
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